Namib Desert Environmental Education
NaDEET Namibia – Environmental Education Centre in the Desert
Environmental school
Namib Desert Environmental Education Trust
NaDEET Nambia (Namib Desert Environmental Education Trust), a kind of environmental school, was founded in 2003. There, children and adults learn first-hand about the basics of sustainable living, the possibilities of solar energy and how to respect and protect the healthy balance between people and nature.
Sustainable environmental school
The aim is to teach many Namibians a sustainable lifestyle, to learn about the possibilities of solar energy and to protect nature. Since its foundation, more than 10,000 children have been able to attend this special school and have learned what it means to deal with the environment in a sustainable way.
The school programme focuses in a practical way on four main areas: Energy, Water, Waste and Biodiversity.
Since most of the children and adults come from poorer backgrounds, the training can only be carried out if the costs are covered by donations.
Sustainable lifestyle
Personal visit
During our Namibia trip 2019, we visited NADEET and were able to get an impressive picture on site. Unfortunately, there were school holidays at the time and therefore no children on site.