Matter of heart
Foundation of non-profit association "Herz in Afrika (Heart in Africa)"
Now the time has come, we – Pascale, Melanie, Sarah and Jürgen, a family from Aesch in Switzerland – found the association “Herz in Afrika (Heart in Africa”).
We set ourselves the goal of supporting social and sustainable projects in Africa ideally, materially and financially.
According to the motto that everyone can help, we want to make a small but valuable contribution to a better world with enthusiasm and personal commitment. We hope to soon find like-minded people to join us in pushing our vision and projects forward.
"Lots of little people, in lots of little places, doing lots of little things, can change the face of the world."
How it happened...
In 2015 a dream will come true for us and we will travel to Africa together for the first time. We have already read a lot about Africa and our excitement is huge. Nevertheless, we are curious to see what awaits us. Prejudices are deeply rooted in our society and are still spread by the media today. “In people’s minds, the image of an outlawed, disoriented continent poisoned by incurable diseases has emerged, the image of a corrupt, corrupted, mismanaging, dictatorial African elite incapable of existing without foreign domination,” according to Iba Der Thiam, a history professor at the University of Dakar (Senegal).
“I cannot remember a morning in Africa
when I woke up and was not happy.”
(Ernest Hemingway)
We are fascinated by Africa from the first moment – the friendly people, the breathtaking landscapes and the fascinating wildlife. The conversations and experiences are impressive and leave their mark on us for a long time to come. Caught by the “Africa virus”, we return to Africa again and again. We learn a lot about the country and the culture as well as the challenges of a sustainable way of life and a healthy balance between people and nature. We are impressed by the positive attitude of the people in Africa and how proud they are of their country and what they have already achieved.
Back in Switzerland, everyday life catches up with us all too quickly. It is difficult to put the living situation of the people in Africa into our context – our everyday problems, niggles and dissatisfactions become trivial and small….
On our trips we visit local villages and schools to learn more about the people in the respective regions and their living situation. hus, we visit the children’s village “Nice View” in Msambweni on our Kenya trip 2018. We are impressed by the care and work that Mama Gudrun, her daughter Denise and the whole team do every day. The children and the whole Nice View family grow very quickly to our hearts.
“I can’t remember a morning in Africa when I woke up and wasn’t happy.”
(Ernest Hemingway).
One becomes aware that we have obviously – without having done anything for it – been put into this world with pretty good starting conditions. A privilege that most people in Africa are not allowed to enjoy. Every trip to Africa gives us so many positive experiences and we are just grateful for the happy moments. More and more the desire grows in us to be able to give something small back to these impressive people and this fascinating continent. Covid-19 also severely restricts us in our vacation and leisure plans and we would like to take the opportunity to finally follow our heart’s desire and will found the non-profit association “Herz in Afrika (Heart in Africa)” on July 17, 2020.
According to the motto that everyone can help, we want to make a small but valuable contribution to a better world with enthusias Because we are sure that any aid – no matter how small – helps the people in Africa and offers them a perspective on life.
The photo with the two monkeys – holding hands – should become the symbolic “suffering image” for our association. According to the African proverb
“One alone cannot carry a roof“.
“Every time I have to leave Africa, a part of me is left behind.”
"Africa has its secrets and even a wise person will never understand them. He can respect them, though."
(Miriam Makeba)
Our association “Herz in Afrika (Heart in Africa)” is founded – but now it really starts: association homepage, online store and our first heart project – a charity Africa wall calendar 2021 – are in front of us. We are pleased….