Recognition as a non-profit institution – tax exemption of donations

One more reason

Tax exemption for donations

Since November 2020, we are officially recognized as a non-profit association in Switzerland and thus fulfill the requirements of a non-profit institution exempt from profit and capital tax.

Voluntary contributions (donations) to “Herz in Afrika (Heart in Africa)” may now be officially deducted from income or profit tax.

Maybe this news is a reason for you to donate.

"Lots of little people, in lots of little places, doing lots of little things, can change the face of the world."

Your donation options...

IUm unsere Projekte und Unterstützung in Afrika realisieren zu können, sind wir auch auf Geldspenden angewiesen. We appreciate every voluntary contribution and thank you already very much. You can donate directly online via Twint, credit card and Postfinance or via bank transfer.

You can find more ways to support “Herz in Afrika (Heart in Africa)” on our “Help and Donate”website

Online donation

Donate online via:

Twint, credit card, Postfinance
Go to the donation form

Bank transfer

Donation account:

"Herz in Afrika (Heart in Africa)"
Büntengarten 28
CH – 4147 Aesch
IBAN: CH17 0076 9434 5670 6200 1

"You don't, how heavy the load is, you're not wearing."

(Aus Zimbabwe)

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